
Information For Pet Owners

Your family veterinarian is highly skilled at providing excellent healthcare for pets, and through regular screening, they often diagnose pets with chronic or serious medical issues that require the services of a specialist. It is not feasible for all veterinarians to have the expertise necessary to manage every advanced illness, and there are times when they will refer to a board certified specialist to gain additional information or testing.

Seeing a boarded veterinary specialist could save you time and money as well as relieve your pet of ongoing issues quickly. If you believe your pet would benefit from a visit to a Board-Certified Veterinary Specialist, please ask your regular veterinarian for a referral to our hospital or one of our doctors. They can help coordinate your appointment and the transfer of medical records to us.

We work hand in hand with your veterinarian as an extension of their clinic and services. Our teams coordinate to ensure that records are updated and that the best possible healthcare is being provided to your pet.

Pets are such a huge part of our life and emotional make up, and we feel that our clients’ needs are truly paramount. In addition, we recognize that working closely with the family veterinarian is necessary and advantageous to successful patient outcomes.