
Portsmouth Veterinary Surgery

Sophisticated Veterinary Surgical Procedures in Portsmouth, NH

No one wants to think about their pet having to go through surgery, but sometimes, medical intervention is the only way to protect the health and safety of your dog or cat. When veterinary surgery in Portsmouth, NH does become necessary, you want the comfort and peace of mind of knowing your furry friend is in capable hands.

Our state-of-the-art surgery department at The Veterinary Emergency, Critical Care & Referral Center of New Hampshire is centered on providing the most advanced surgical procedures and specialists available. Our goals are to give you peace of mind, deliver top-quality care that restores the health of your pet, and facilitate minimally invasive procedures whenever possible. You can rest assured we have the knowledge and resources required to address your pet’s unique circumstances, as our specialists are extensively trained and board-certified in a wide variety of areas.

If you believe your pet needs surgery, contact us online or call (603) 431-3600 to schedule an appointment and discuss your situation with us.

Surgical Services We Offer

Should your pet need veterinary surgery in Portsmouth, NH, we can provide comprehensive guidance. After carefully evaluating your dog or cat’s present condition, medical history, and any extenuating factors, our veterinary specialists will walk you through surgical options and make a professional recommendation. Our facility is equipped with tools that are not necessarily at your typical veterinary office, and our team is prepared to handle complicated and difficult cases.

Our surgical services include:

Signs Your Dog or Cat May Need Surgery

We tend to have an excellent grasp of how our pets typically behave. When you start to pick up on unusual behavior or worrying symptoms, it may be time to take your dog or cat to see a veterinary specialist. Your pet could have an undiagnosed medical condition that requires surgery or other forms of treatment.

Consider seeing a veterinarian and exploring surgery options if your pet displays any of the following symptoms:

Preparing Your Dog or Cat for Surgery

Knowing your pet is about to go through surgery can seem scary, but it does not have to be. It is important to remember that facilities like ours successfully carry out surgeries every single day. We understand best practices for these procedures and can advise what steps you should take to get your dog or cat ready.

Many surgical procedures will require the use of anesthetics to keep your pet comfortable. Whenever anesthetics are used, your dog or cat will most likely need to fast for eight to twelve hours before the procedure is scheduled. Puppies and kittens may require a small meal the morning of the surgery, and pets with diabetes may also need a small amount of food with their insulin. Drinking water is generally safe, but one of our specialists can give you specific instructions.

If your dog or cat requires overnight care, we may ask you to bring food and existing medication to our facility so we can provide it to your pet as needed. Giving your pet its normal diet can help maintain normalcy and avoid complications.

You do not need to worry about whether your pet will feel pain during the surgical procedure. We use effective anesthetics and sedatives to avoid complications and ensure your dog or cat remains relaxed from beginning to end.

Questions You Should Ask About Your Dog or Cat’s Surgery

You deserve to feel confident about our care of your pet. We value communication and transparency at The Veterinary Emergency, Critical Care & Referral Center of New Hampshire, and our veterinary specialists will be available to discuss your concerns and address any questions you may have.

We are more than happy to answer your questions ahead of veterinary surgery in Portsmouth, NH, including:

Our veterinary specialists are board-certified and more than happy to discuss their qualifications. We are available 24/7, so do not wait to call (603) 431-3600 or contact us online.